Bongo Canary Island


There are certain brands from my youth that are more widely available now, and at a way more affordable price than they used to be. Airwalks are at Payless, Bongo clothing is sold at Kmart…now we’ll see if Yaga shirts start popping up (they STILL EXIST!), or Co-Ed Naked (which I was not allowed to have and was too naive to understand). Bongo has just released a small line of beauty items that includes nail polish at Kmart.

Priced at $2.99, the polishes come in an array of colors that is pretty standard. Still, this yellow shade caught my eye because it’s not quite banana yellow, but almost a neon, which isn’t reflected very well in the photos.

I fully expected this polish to be terrible. It is a yellow, and it’s not from a hyped up brand or anything, but WOW! I was pleasantly surprised by this yellow! I used three coats for opacity, but this leveled perfectly and wasn’t crazy streaky. If you are a fan of yellow, I recommend Canary Island for sure.