Funky Fingers Mrs. Mint


Hey everyone! I am SO excited to show you this nail polish! I found it during one of those “meant to be” moments while shopping, if you know what I mean. To back track, I read a post on Holly’s blog about how she found a polish at the store Five Below and loved it. A Five Below store *just* opened locally this spring. I was in the area and decided to pop in, having remembered Holly’s post!

While looking through the mint polish bin, I pulled out this lovely bottle of Mrs. Mint by Funky Fingers, which is a made in the USA, 3-free brand. I didn’t see any other bottles besides this one, and the first thing I noticed was the amazing golden sheen.

The sheen was really difficult to capture in the photos, but you can see the first shot is a little more golden than the rest. Application was really impressive too! This is just two coats.

There are a million mint polishes out there. Every brand has mint in some form, but I can honestly say I do not have one quite like this. For the $1.65 I paid for it, I am way impressed and this has become a favorite mint of mine!