Jamberry Application Kit Review


When I purchased my first couple of Jamberry wraps, I also purchased the application kit ($12 without oil). The kit comes with the following items:

  • 2 alcohol wipes
  • 1 pair of scissors
  • 1 pair ofย  nail clippers
  • 1 buffer block
  • 2 orange sticks
  • 1 rubber cuticle pusher
  • 1 nail file


Everything is contained in a small Jamberry bag, which is where I also keep my wraps. I recently used this kit to apply my wraps before a 5-day trip to Disney World. My wraps stayed on the entire time, although I did have some wear, which is expected since I am pretty rough on my hands.

I am happy I purchased this kit, just for the rubber cuticle pusher. I use this for smoothing the wraps onto my fingers. This is really helpful because my nails are so small. The alcohol wipes are pretty large, so if you cut them in half, you can get more uses.

The scissors I usually use for trimming my wraps. The nail clippers I don’t have any need for since my nails are so short, but they are appreciated as I can always use them on my toes.

Overall, for $12 I think this is a good kit and helpful in applying the wraps. I would buy it again just for the cuticle pusher. ๐Ÿ™‚


First Jamberry Manicure


Jamberry is taking over my Facebook feed. Seriously! It seems like everyone I know is doing Jamberry parties. I officially ‘attended’ two of them and purchased a couple of items from each one; however, my BFF gave me the wraps in the photo above because they are definitely my style and not so much hers. ๐Ÿ™‚

This was my first Jamberry manicure and as you can see, I definitely had some trouble. I’m sure it will get better with practice. My sister-in-law has perfectly shaped fingernails, so her nails always look good. My nails are short and break a lot; however, the real problem I have when applying these is that my nails are very small and narrow. I would probably fare better with the child-sized Jamberry wraps!

Now the wraps themselves are of good quality. They really do stay on the nail. I didn’t test the two week claim, because I usually don’t have the patience to keep them on that long. They are also good for accent nails.

At $15 a sheet, I don’t think it is a bad price for how many uses. Jamberry claims you can get 3 uses per pack; I could probably get more than that due to my tiny nails.

Although I’m still experimenting with these, my experience so far has been mostly positive. ๐Ÿ™‚