Healthy Hoof Hoof Lacquer Top Coat Review!


Finding a good top coat is like finding a good shampoo: I’ll always wonder if something better is out there. I like Seche Vite, but don’t like the shrinkage, and I love Nubar Diamont but don’t have access to it besides online. Out the Door is a great top coat and I don’t have complaints about it, but this Healthy Hoof Hoof Lacquer caught my eye as it was hiding on the very bottom shelf at Meijer, so I decided to give it a try.


When groomers saw what Healthy Hoof did for their horses, they used it on their own nails! Now you can use this ultra-protective lacquer to strengthen your brittle nails, and help prevent chipping and cracking. Just brush it on-it dries to a clear, high-gloss shine. Works with or without nail color.

Hoof Lacquer comes in a small brown bottle and is only $3 (I actually paid $2.22 because it was marked down). You can use it alone or as a top coat and as a base coat. I found this product intriguing due to the horse connection. I had no idea that horses lacquered their hooves. 😉 😉

I have to say that I absolutely LOVE this as a top coat and bought two more bottles! It is high shine, dries quickly and is a great protective layer for polish. I haven’t used it as a base coat yet so I can’t vouch for it with that quite yet, but I love the finish my nails have when using this as a top coat.

The only thing I don’t like about this product is that the cap and brush are a little awkward. Since it’s just that disc attached to the brush, it’s hard to hold compared to a tapered polish bottle Still, that could be remedied with a nail art brush or a clean polish brush with a tapered handle.

I definitely recommend giving this a try if you ever see it! I was pleasantly surprised by it!